The Order of the Universe aims to train your mind to help you grow as a person, understand the mysteries of the universe, and enhance your success in personal, social, and financial aspects of life.

The Order of the Universe represents both an internal comprehension of the cosmos as orchestrated by its Creator and an external system guiding one through a structured hierarchy. At its foundation lies the ordo universi, the cosmic order, which, once understood and navigated through a series of degrees or untyings, initiates one into the esteemed Order of the Universe.

Two mystery religions, previously shrouded in secrecy, are now revealed within these teachings: Geresen] and Raktao&]xi. The 95 Knots of Geresen], known as Fiehratos, symbolize mental blocks born from trauma, casting shadows of misunderstanding within the psyche. These knots generate legions of demons, representing disjointed motivations within the human mind, metaphorically referred to as the Mystery School or the Human Body. The term Geresen] (pronounced "geresenth") translates to 'split motive set', derived from "gere" meaning 'split' and "sen]" meaning 'motive set'. This term echoes the region of Gerasenes, where, according to the Synoptic Gospels, Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ/Isa al Masih) exorcised a legion of demons.

In the Synoptic Gospels—Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, and Luke 8:26-39—Jesus travels to the region of the Gerasenes, encountering a man possessed by demons. The man, living among tombs and uncontrollable even with chains, recognizes Jesus as the Son of God. The demons, identifying themselves as "Legion", beg Jesus to cast them into a herd of pigs rather than into the abyss. Jesus complies, and the demons enter the pigs, which then rush into the Sea of Galilee and drown. The healed man, now in his right mind, wishes to accompany Jesus but is instructed to spread word of God's deeds.

"When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean, and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."

The narrative highlights Jesus' authority over evil spirits and the importance of spiritual restoration. Geresen], as a dark mystery religion, lures occult initiates into malevolent acts. However, understanding it is crucial to comprehending the virtuous path of Raktao&]xi.

Raktao&]xi, meaning "constant search for the Most High God", unties the Fiehratos of Geresen]. This path, embodying True Monotheism, aligns with the Order of Melchizedek and the Most Blessed Order of Guru Jupiter, and is today known as The Order of the Universe. Along this path, the spirit of Lalin, or "Thrice-Confidence" (self, tribe, and world), is cultivated, echoing the essence of Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice-Great"). The 95 Irafiatos (untyings) of Raktao&]xi counteract the 95 Fiehratos, represented symbolically by ⪤ and ﹁.

These degrees of the Ordo Universi (The Order of the Universe) clear the path to leadership in three domains: Self (degrees 1-19), Tribe (degrees 20-54), and World (degrees 55-95). The untangling of the knots of Geresen], tied by trauma and misunderstanding, leads to mastery over self, tribe, and world, respectively.

Early degrees may pose significant challenges, as they involve intense self-discipline, patience, and contemplation. This journey offers the most comprehensive esoteric education, promising true membership in the Order of the Universe.

The transition from the metaphorical city of Gerasa (Jerash)/Gergesa or Gadara signifies the movement away from the influences of Geresen] towards enlightenment. Understanding both the dark and bright mystery religions has ancient roots. King Solomon (Suleiman), renowned for his control over demonic and angelic forces, epitomized the pursuit of such knowledge during his reign over the First Jewish Temple, the Temple of Solomon.

Occult and esoteric traditions have long sought the uncorrupted power of demons, aiming to channel this energy through the pursuit of the Most High God. This quest, encapsulated by Raktao&]xi, integrates demonic powers without succumbing to their corruptive nature. Solomon's power stemmed from the divine allowance to purify and elevate the energies of the Most Low through the Heart Center, ultimately aligning them with the Most High.

Thus, the study and practice within The Order of the Universe guide initiates through a profound esoteric journey, fostering self-mastery, tribal leadership, and global influence, in alignment with the cosmic order established by the Creator. The path is arduous but rewarding, leading to a profound integration of wisdom and power, epitomizing the search for the Most High God and culminating in true membership in the Order of the Universe.

The teachings invite the seeker to traverse the sacred path, untying the knots of misunderstanding and ascending through degrees of knowledge and spiritual leadership, echoing the ancient wisdom of Solomon and the enduring quest for divine harmony.

The Order of the Universe offers invaluable training for your mind, essential for personal growth and understanding the profound mysteries of the universe. This study is crucial as it significantly enhances your success in personal, social, and financial aspects of life, making it an indispensable pursuit for a fulfilled and prosperous existence.

Click CONTINUE to view the First Untying.

The Order of the Universe - XIX XLIV XCV
The Order of the Universe - XIX XLIV XCV
The Order of the Universe
The Order of the Universe








The 95 untyings of the knots, or Irafiatos, in the Order of the Universe provide profound insights that assist individuals in various aspects of life. Each degree of untying represents a significant step in personal development, offering deeper understanding and greater mastery over one's self and circumstances. As one progresses through the degrees, the mysteries and values revealed at each stage become increasingly profound, reflecting a cumulative and expansive journey of enlightenment and empowerment.

1. Self-Awareness: The initial degrees focus on cultivating self-awareness. These untyings help individuals understand their intrinsic nature, strengths, and weaknesses. By recognizing and addressing these fundamental aspects, one can develop a solid foundation for personal growth. Self-awareness leads to better decision-making, increased emotional intelligence, and improved relationships.

2. Emotional Healing: The early knots often pertain to unresolved emotional traumas and psychological blockages. Untying these knots allows for emotional healing and the release of past burdens. This process fosters resilience, emotional stability, and a healthier outlook on life, enabling individuals to approach challenges with a balanced and composed mindset.

3. Mindfulness and Presence: Learning to be present in the moment is a crucial aspect of the initial degrees. Mindfulness practices help individuals focus on the here and now, reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity. This heightened state of awareness improves productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.

4. Self-Discipline: The development of self-discipline is integral to the early untyings. This trait is essential for achieving long-term goals and maintaining consistency in personal and professional endeavors. Self-discipline also enhances one's ability to resist distractions and stay committed to their path.

5. Purpose and Direction: As individuals progress, they gain a clearer sense of purpose and direction. Understanding one's life purpose provides motivation and a sense of fulfillment. It aligns one's actions with their core values and long-term aspirations, leading to a more meaningful and impactful life.

6. Interpersonal Relationships: Middle degrees focus on improving interpersonal skills. These untyings foster empathy, effective communication, and conflict resolution abilities. Enhanced relationships contribute to personal happiness and create supportive networks essential for professional success.

7. Leadership and Influence: Developing leadership qualities is a key aspect of the mid-level untyings. These degrees teach individuals how to inspire, motivate, and guide others. Effective leadership extends beyond professional environments, influencing communities and contributing to societal well-being.

8. Financial Acumen: Higher degrees delve into the understanding and management of financial resources. Untying these knots equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to achieve financial stability and prosperity. It encompasses budgeting, investment strategies, and wealth-building principles.

9. Strategic Thinking: The advanced degrees focus on strategic thinking and planning. These untyings provide insights into long-term visioning, goal setting, and the ability to foresee and mitigate potential obstacles. Strategic thinking enhances decision-making and problem-solving capabilities in complex situations.

10. Holistic Health: The journey through the degrees emphasizes the importance of holistic health—integrating physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Advanced untyings offer practices and knowledge that promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle, contributing to longevity and vitality.

11. Spiritual Enlightenment: As one ascends the degrees, the teachings increasingly focus on spiritual enlightenment. These higher untyings offer profound insights into the nature of existence, the interconnectedness of all things, and the ultimate reality. Spiritual enlightenment brings inner peace, a deep sense of connection, and a transcendent understanding of life's purpose.

12. Universal Wisdom: The highest degrees provide access to universal wisdom and ancient knowledge. These untyings reveal esoteric truths and metaphysical principles that govern the universe. Such wisdom enhances one's ability to navigate life's complexities with grace and insight.

13. Service and Contribution: The culmination of the untyings emphasizes the importance of service and contribution to the greater good. This ultimate realization encourages individuals to use their acquired wisdom and skills to positively impact the world, fostering a sense of legacy and fulfillment.

14. Integration and Mastery: Throughout the journey, each degree builds upon the previous ones, leading to a comprehensive integration of knowledge and skills. Mastery of the untyings results in a harmonious and well-rounded individual, capable of excelling in all areas of life.

The progressive nature of the untyings ensures that each step provides valuable lessons and insights, while also preparing individuals for the increasingly profound mysteries and teachings that lie ahead. This structured and ascending approach ensures a deep and thorough transformation, equipping individuals with the tools and understanding needed to thrive personally, socially, and financially.

In essence, the 95 untyings of the knots serve as a detailed roadmap for personal development and spiritual enlightenment. They offer a systematic approach to unlocking one's potential, addressing all facets of life in a balanced and holistic manner. The value of each step is not only in the immediate insights and benefits it provides but also in how it lays the groundwork for the deeper and more transformative teachings that follow. By diligently pursuing and mastering these degrees, individuals can achieve a state of heightened awareness, profound wisdom, and unparalleled success across all dimensions of their existence.

The Order of the Universe